1 on 1 training

Personal Training

The mission is simple: 

Relationships equals results

The first goal is making exercise more effective for clients. We truly feel personal training is the way. It's going to keep you more accountable and motivated, too!


The Overview

1. Motivation

Most of us work harder in the presence of others. Having a FALCONERFITNESS trainer by your side will provide the encouragement, energy and motivation you need to jumpstart your routine. Our trainers will also help you set goals, create a plan to accomplish them and celebrate the day you reach them.

2. Consistency

Do you find it difficult to stick with a program or habit? Our trainers will hold you accountable and help you overcome all the excuses you might use to avoid your commitment to exercise. It’s a lot harder to skip the gym when you know someone is waiting for you.

3. Clarity

Fitness can be confusing. There is a lot of information to sort through. Eat this, not that. Cardio before or after strength training? Your trainer will help you find credible information and provide direction on your fitness journey. Your trainer will help remove the guess work so you can put all of your energy toward accomplishing your goals.

4. Confidence

The gym can be intimidating. Working with us allows you to become confident with how to perform exercises, use machines, and navigate the facility. After a few sessions, you will feel ready to tackle the weight room on your own. Even better, an ego boost during exercise can promote stronger self-confidence and self-efficacy, which can help you stick with your exercise program over the long term.

5. Avoid Injury

If you are new to exercise or find that some movements are painful, it is worth hiring a trainer to be certain that you are moving in a safe and effective way. We take the time to teach you proper exercise techniques that will improve your results and prevent annoying injuries.

6. Individual Workouts

When it comes to fitness, everyone is different. Your unique body mechanics, experience, goals, fitness level, likes and dislikes will guide your trainers in creating a plan that is specific to your needs. With a program that fits, you are more likely to maintain the habit and see results.

7. Training With Medical Conditions

Exercise is beneficial for preventing or managing many common chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and hypertension. However, exercising with a medical condition requires additional precautions. We will appoint you with a knowledgeable trainer who has experience training clients with chronic conditions and can design a program that ensures your safety and provides a positive exercise experience

8. FUN

Believe it or not, exercise can be enjoyable. Our personal trainers are savvy and make exercising both effective and fun. Simply working with a trainer who you like and respect can be enough to provide you more gratification from your workouts.

The Training Process

Your customized workout program begins with an assessment.

During your 30-minute private appointment, your personal trainer will go over your short and long-term fitness goals. They will then asses your body composition using the “transformation board” to set a bench mark, discuss any existing injuries, and will provide you with a professional workout recommendation based on your fitness goals and physical condition.

You will then schedule your first appointment with your new Personal Trainer.

When you work with your trainer, you’ll benefit from a 100% custom workout plan with your specific needs in mind. The Dungeon trainers are motivated, and committed to getting you results and developing the absolute best workout program for you.

Each session begins with a warm-up including dynamic stretching, core chores, myofascial release.

We recommend all of our clients come in 5 minutes early to your appointment in order to begin a cardio warm-up. Once you are warmed up, your personal trainer will walk you through dynamic stretching routines that will help to increase blood flow to your muscles, increase flexibility and help reduce the risk of an injury.

Your progress is tracked monthly to ensure maximum results.

Each month, you will report to the transformation board. Your personal trainer will provide you with an assessment that tracks your progress. During this assessment, you will be provided with a new composition reading that will discuss how you’ve progressed with your custom workout regimen. 

1 on 1

Personal Training

(Undivided Attention)

( Special Programming)

$65/ 60 minutes

Discount packages:

12 sessions for $700

6 sessions for $365


12 Hour Cancellation Policy

A Client that has made an appointment for a session may cancel or change the time of the session provided that a minimum of 12-hours’ notice is given. You can make these changes via email to or by contacting your trainer directly. Clients will be charged for the full cost of the session on any late cancellations or no-show appointments.


Payment for sessions is required to be made by the client before the date of the session. If a member has no session inventory, charges for late cancellations or no show appointments for sessions will be charged to the clients credit card on file with client agreement. In addition, charges for sessions which are used by a member but not otherwise paid for will be charged to the member’s credit card on the day the session is used. 


FALCONERFITNESS offers discounts on sessions to clients who purchase a package of sessions. These discounts only apply to the number of sessions purchased as a group. Any further or additional sessions will be charged at the regular rate then in effect for individual sessions.

Expiration Policy/Refund Policy

All sales are final. No refund policy Session expire 30 days from the date of purchase.